Portsmouth Beach Hotel i Portsmouth

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DominicaPortsmouth Beach Hotel


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Portsmouth, Dominica
kontakter telefon: +1-767
internet side: www.portsmouthbeachhotel.dm
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Latitude: 15.5541041, Longitude: -61.461605

kommentar 5

  • Caren Thomas

    Caren Thomas


    Absolutely amazing.

  • Tara Sigidi

    Tara Sigidi


    Overall, PBC is a quiet, relaxing place to stay right on the beach. The cottages offer the best experience if you want privacy. They are roomy and rustic, though the small kitchen amenities are just what you need-- the basics-- the short stature of the sink made washing dishes painstaking on my 5'4 frame! My chef hubby was able to whip up magical meals nonetheless! Dominica is not known for the best beaches and though the beach was at our feet, I barely dipped my toes in. I was deterred by the crest of rocks that met me as I walked in and the black, volcanic sand just looked like dirt to me. The major pros, reasonably priced on site restaurant ( when Hubs got a night off from cooking), the awesome WIFI, the size of the cottages, the beautiful gardens and beachfront scenery, the accommodating staff, proximity to stores and bus stops and quiet! I loved being nestled in the cottage with Hubs as the rain fell...which was several times daily, especially during our second week. The cons, the rocky beach, the bugs ( from mosquitoes, to gnats, to giant waterbugs and moths) Bay leaf scented repellant and netting didn't save me from the bites!), the high tub, that can be a doozy stepping out of, the bats in the roof- the screeching and flapping at night and bat droppings on the floor each morning was unpleasant. The TV and living room ceiling fan but we used my laptop and phones to watch movies We used the ac to stay cool. The good outweighs the bad, in that I had a wonderful getaway with Hubs in his home country!

  • Amit Soorajbally

    Amit Soorajbally


    After the hurricane the place is still being refurbished. But the cabanas are really cozy and fully functional. Not much people here in the month of June maybe.

  • Wayne Joslyn

    Wayne Joslyn


    It's in an ideal location conviently located , this morning I was able to go to the market to get my fresh fish and vegetables at a reasonable price . There's one thing that's lacking a kitchen sink in the room, for there's enough space to install one in the rooms which are quite spacious.

  • Syed Osama Hashmi

    Syed Osama Hashmi


    Awesome locations, its like heaven on earth.

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