Jacoway Inn i Village of Calibishie

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DominicaJacoway Inn


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John Baptiste Ridge Road, Village of Calibishie, Dominica
kontakter telefon: +1 767-613-2908
internet side: www.jacowayinn.com
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Latitude: 15.5904457, Longitude: -61.3443732

kommentar 5

  • Tim Fish

    Tim Fish


  • TE Broc

    TE Broc


    This cottage at jackoway is exqizate. The aumbiance is fanominal. The food prepared with Love. Nicky and Carolann will give you an experience you won't soon forget if you know how to feel the Vibes.

  • M. Wilhelm

    M. Wilhelm


    Wir wurden durch die Inhaberin sehr herzlich empfangen und fühlten uns direkt wohl. Die Wohnung ist groß und beinhaltet alles was man braucht (Kochen, Kaffee, Tee, frisches Obst). Man hat einen phantastischen Blick auf das Meer und das Frühstück war definitiv traumhaft! Auch als wir ein Problem mit unserem Mietwagen hatten wurde uns direkt und unkompliziert geholfen. Das Land ist wieder eine Reise wert und die Reste des Hurricans Maria 2017 sind nahezu vollständig beseitigt. Die Straßen sind gut befahrbar. Alle Einwohner sind freundlich und hilfsbereit. Wir kommen wieder!

  • Lynn Barnett

    Lynn Barnett


    I have to conclude after staying in B&B's in the Caribbean, Carol's Jacoway Inn clearly aspires to Michelin Star quality. Unfortunately this island doesn't have the raw materials for Michelin Stars but I've got to give the lady many stars for her hard work and energy. The room was spacious and bright. There were fresh exotic flowers and some fruit set out. It had two doors leading outside. The balcony afforded a view of the coastline, including Guadeloupe, across miles of banana field. The main bed (another bed on the other wall) was very inviting with crisp white sheets and towels. Amenities included a small fridge and stove and some refreshments such as tea and coffee. The best surprise was the complimentary breakfast. These are texas sized breakfasts with sometimes bacon and pancakes and eggs and eggplant parmesan, breakfast potatoes. She also takes requests. Carol is the town's organic baker. She knows people and so can give you good advice. You will enjoy the large rooms at Jacoway. I forgot to mention that there are many exotic plants in her garden. You'll want to come back some time and see how some of those plants turned out. I'll say 420 is good here.

  • Bob McAlister

    Bob McAlister


    Everything you have read about the Jacoway Inn is true. The location of the Inn is perfect for exploring the small but exciting town of Calibishie and nearby beaches (on Carol's advice, we walked to the very nice and secluded Point Baptiste beach). Carol Ann is an amazing host and cook, and very well respected by the locals (rumor has it that she used to run the best restaurant in Calibishie). My wife and I stayed in the lower apartment, the "garden room." The room was great and well stocked with kitchen utensils, tea, coffee, an electric tea kettle and small fridge. We arrived in the afternoon after a very long and tiring day of traveling when Carol Ann greeted us at our taxi and immediately made us feel at home (with the help of her vodka-sorrel flower cocktails). If you are thinking about visiting Dominica, make plans to stay at the Jacoway.

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