Picard Beach Cottages i Portsmouth

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DominicaPicard Beach Cottages


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Picard Estate Prince Rupert Bay, Portsmouth, Dominica
kontakter telefon: +1 767-445-5131
internet side: picardbeachcottages.dm
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 15.5538803, Longitude: -61.4621114

kommentar 5

  • Maja Wallengren

    Maja Wallengren


    Lovely place in beautiful surroundings and very comfortable cabins right on the beach. Staff is always available, friendly and supportive and will go out of their way to help you meet your needs and requests.

  • Barbara Weis-Müller

    Barbara Weis-Müller


    Lovely cottages at the seaside and good restaurant. You have your own beach. A place, where you feel " at home".

  • Amit Soorajbally

    Amit Soorajbally


    Really nice atmosphere!

  • Darin Grell

    Darin Grell


    Directly on the beach. Full length of beach access.

  • Elizabeth Morrison

    Elizabeth Morrison


    I really enjoyed staying here for a couple months. The room was very comfortable, has a good AC and hot water heater. The views are second to none. Flambeau is pretty good and a nice place to chill with friends. The only issues that I had was that the internet frequently had outages.

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