Tia's Hot Spa i Wotten Waven

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DominicaTia's Hot Spa


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Wotten Waven, Dominica
kontakter telefon: +1 767-448-1998
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Latitude: 15.317796, Longitude: -61.3397757

kommentar 5

  • Iowa Kim

    Iowa Kim


    Amazing place to relax in the hot sulpher springs of varing temps...luke warm, warm and hot... nice creek running along side of the bathing area. A little difficult getting down the hill at one spot but very woth the $5 US to get in as long as your ride is willing to wait for you. there is a little place toget drinks and snacks. The quoki's (tree frogs) will keep you relaxed with their singing! Love this place!

  • Narelle Magloire

    Narelle Magloire


    Great spa spot, the main big pools, well hot, soothing even. Restaurant, and bar, open during week on weekends, based on demand. Very friendly service, WiFi in the grounds, good service, private huts available music and lighting of a romantic setting. Great set up and rustic landscaping. Also have rooms for rental.

  • david giruad

    david giruad


    Place is great ,i enjoy coming here when ever i am in Dominica blessed vibes

  • Sebastien Pascal

    Sebastien Pascal


    Excellent service and excellent value, open during the day and evenings.

  • Daniel Riviere

    Daniel Riviere


    Excellent service

nærmeste Spa

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