Screw's Sulfur Spas i Wotten Waven

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DominicaScrew's Sulfur Spas


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Wotten Waven, Dominica
kontakter telefon: +1 767-440-4478
internet side:
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Latitude: 15.31833, Longitude: -61.340063

kommentar 5

  • Narelle Magloire

    Narelle Magloire


    Another great spa in the area, slightly more expensive, however they have four different levels of heat pools, great set up strong the pools, also have a cold water pool, amazing really, the benches in pool are at reasonable height great for just relaxing.Food is available and atmosphere for customer service is just right. Locals get reduce entry price, if you've got id stating you are local, bring it!!!

  • Daryl Durand

    Daryl Durand


    Wow.A Sulphuric bath in the​ heart of a deep tropical rain forest. It was relaxation to the maximum. Loved it

  • Austin Lazarus

    Austin Lazarus


    Nice place for relaxation... Just a bit expensive for locals

  • Aner Alexander

    Aner Alexander


    Best sulphur spring experience

  • Sebastien Pascal

    Sebastien Pascal


    Popular with the locals this is a favorite place for night time hot baths with that special someone. The bar is far removed from the pools making getting a drink while in the water a bit of a task.

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