Anchorage Hotel & Dive Center i Roseau

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DominicaAnchorage Hotel & Dive Center



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Roseau, Dominica
kontakter telefon: +1 767-448-2638
internet side:
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Latitude: 15.285738, Longitude: -61.375389

kommentar 5

  • Sibs Phil

    Sibs Phil


    It's ok.. But they take too long to prepare breakfast

  • Livith Irry

    Livith Irry


    Superbe emplacement, belle piscine mais les chambres ne sont pas terribles...

  • Patrick Pemberton

    Patrick Pemberton


    Place always has a nice vibe excellent view of the ocean. Food is good and the service is just above par. Always a must visit.

  • Wynny Ours

    Wynny Ours


    Superbe accueil, le personnel fait tout pour me comprendre malgré je ne parle pas l'anglais! Le repas exquis ! Merci !

  • Catalin Lupu

    Catalin Lupu


    Great location and facilities, the staff is very friendly and the services are professional. The hotel is on the sea side and the rooms are very nice. Breakfast and dinner was extremely tasty. The pool is very good and clean close to the water. The wale watching experience was great and we saw one single and two families with 3 members. Dolphins gang swimming around the ship was great. The captain and the crew were very nice and Professional, they didn't give up until we found the wales. The kids on-board were very enthusiastic. Highly recommended this location.

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