Fort Young Hotel i Roseau

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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DominicaFort Young Hotel



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Victoria Street, Roseau, Dominica
kontakter telefon: +1 767-448-5000
internet side:
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Latitude: 15.295693, Longitude: -61.3863295

kommentar 5

  • Anderson Jolly

    Anderson Jolly


    Dominicas best hotel in the center of the city great food and drinks

  • Brian Ball

    Brian Ball


    We ate here regularly while working in Dominica. The chef is amazing as every item on the menu tastes delicious. This may have been a temporary location with the hurricane rebuild going on, but I enjoyed being so close to the water and hearing the rocks rolling around in the waves.

  • Brad Lagore

    Brad Lagore


    Beautiful location! Didn't stay there but great spot to visit for lunch. They are rebuilding from the hurricanes but it's going to be a great spot!

  • Gunnar Ketzler

    Gunnar Ketzler


    The only thing nice in this hotel is the room with seaview. Service personal is mostly unfriendly and does not really care about you. Whenever you just want something simple like just a Cappuccino they say no because this or that. the price paid per night of $275.00

  • Michael Hughett

    Michael Hughett


    Good location... but they lost our order or something. Waited an hour and twenty minutes for food. People who got there after us got their food before us. I only ordered a burger.

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