Kozy's Niche i Roseau

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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DominicaKozy's Niche



🕗 åbningstider

Old Street, Roseau, DM Dominica
kontakter telefon: +1 767-440-0666
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 15.2998085, Longitude: -61.386736

kommentar 5

  • Ismael Urdaneta

    Ismael Urdaneta


    Excelente atención! Buena comida italiana.

  • en



    Excellent service! Friendly staff, great food and the atmosphere is fantastic! Can't wait till my next real with them

  • Rita Xavier-James

    Rita Xavier-James


    I enjoyed my vegetarian option meals! The chef is very bubbly and helped me make a choice. I really appreciated that because the menu is pretty extensive and it's really easy to get lost with so many options. It isn't the cheapest place to eat but you usually get what you pay for. I am definitely hoping to visit again before I leave. They also do delivery to various areas so I am planning on ordering when I do not feel like eating out.

  • en

    Karnik Burnette


    Amazing ambience! The food was delicious and well presented! I got personalised professional and friendly service from EVERY staff member! Definitely a must go!

  • Sebastien Pascal

    Sebastien Pascal


    Great new location in the heart of the city, this new location is very classy and indeed cozy with a modern, upscale feel. The food and drinks also seem to taste that much better too. They are open for dinner so that makes a great option for that special event. Go and enjoy the refreshing ambiance with that special someone, or go alone and still not be disappointed. Great tasting food.

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