Five star bar and grill i Mahaut

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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DominicaFive star bar and grill



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Edward Oliver Leblanc Highway, Mahaut, DM Dominica
kontakter telefon: +1-767
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Latitude: 15.3686502, Longitude: -61.4040755

kommentar 5

  • es

    Carlos Rodriguez


  • Sebastien Pascal

    Sebastien Pascal


    This quaint bar in the corner has grown to be quite the popular hang out spot. The food is always fresh and the atmosphere is friendly. Drinks are always cold and the staff are eager to serve, even with a full bar, service is very quick. You won't be disappointed. Five stars

  • Wyona Edmond

    Wyona Edmond


    The free up

  • en

    Siddharth Wahi


    The Hospitality of the local people is genuine and amazingly refreshing considering today's times. They have a good thing going with lots of space, ocean on one side and an amazing chef John who goes out of his way to make fresh local delicacies well seasoned and straight from the fire if you're willing to be patient. 5 Stars to this place for being a Hidden Gem! It's not just a bar it's not just a food joint it's not just an ocean side retreat it's all of that and above all a Local way of life with so much love and goodness that's addictive. Simple and down to earth. I love you Dominica. Namaste from INDIA.

  • Bernard Bertrand

    Bernard Bertrand


    Ok place

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