Champagne Reef DM

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DominicaChampagne Reef



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kontakter telefon: +1 767-440-5085
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Latitude: 15.2472839, Longitude: -61.3734429

kommentar 5

  • en

    Nikhil Joshi


    Access to this reef has been severely damaged by hurricane Maria. It is not that easy to get to the beach (as of Feb 14th, 2018). Snorkeling is ok. Bubbbles coming from the sea floor is quite an experience.

  • en

    Migle Kacanovaite


    Beautiful place. Great for snorkling! it is different place. So if you have chance, use an hour or so and grab a bite at the cafe there. Good food.

  • Wayne Morra

    Wayne Morra


    Usually very clear water. Good rental equipment. Excellent snorkel guides. Western, sunset side of the island.

  • Yolanda Jerome

    Yolanda Jerome


    Most beautiful place ever, underwater that is! My favourite place to snorkel in Dominica. The bubbles are so intriguing and it's so exciting to know you're swimming in a volcano!

  • en

    Donna Rivera


    Signed up for a snorkeling and site seeing tour on Carnival Glory. The reef was awesome (saw all kinds of fish and coral) and it's named Champagne Reef because of the bubbles coming from the sea bed via volcano activity. Both the tour guide (Cecil) and the gentleman that escorted our group in the water (unfortunately I don't remember his name) were awesome. And on top of the excellent snorkeling at this site, the restaurant (Malvina's) which sits at the top of the trail to the reef next to the road, was wonderful. We had all kinds of fresh fish, with some homemade hot sauce, and rum drinks. Absolutely delicious! My family and I will make a trip there again very soon.

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