Urban Garden Café i Roseau

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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DominicaUrban Garden Café



🕗 åbningstider

Castle Street, Roseau, DM Dominica
kontakter telefon: +1 767-317-8888
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 15.2968808, Longitude: -61.3865119

kommentar 5

  • Mara Williams

    Mara Williams


    great food but too close to a busy road ,great place to be on a Friday night , unfortunately got shut down after hurricane Maria

  • Martha Cuffy

    Martha Cuffy


    Always interesting dishes from vegan to fully fledged carnivore. Music on Thursday night's plus other events that showcases the island's talent. Maxine and Sean the owners work hard to make sure you leave nourished and with a smile!

  • Patrick Pemberton

    Patrick Pemberton


    More than one would expect. The food is more than one would expect, the service is excellent and a more than satisfactory experience. High recommend.

  • Sebastien Pascal

    Sebastien Pascal


    The food and ambiance are both amazing. They do use eco friendly take away boxes which does promote the whole going green craze. The staff are hard working and the owner is down to earth and friendly.

  • Tim A. Pascal

    Tim A. Pascal


    The food here is really good. The set up here has a French cafe feel to it. If you come for lunch make sure you sit near the fan!

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