Papillote Wilderness Retreat i Trafalgar

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DominicaPapillote Wilderness Retreat


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Paillotte Road, Trafalgar, DM Dominika
kontakter telefon: +1 767-448-2287
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Latitude: 15.3274123, Longitude: -61.3378683

kommentar 5

  • Wilbert Ryan

    Wilbert Ryan


    Great location; sulfur springs are a plus. Rooms has no iron or ironing board, no telephone or television. Remember it is a retreat hotel, so it is more geared towards nature getaway vacation. The plus is the fact that there is a lot of natural attraction in the area.

  • Scott Sexton

    Scott Sexton


    Next to Trafalgar Falls hot springs (a 10 in hot springs, but you have to carefully navigate slippery boulders to the waterfall base), while Papillote has their own hot spring poured pools next to their magnificent full size waterfall too. Their hot springs in large lush real rainforest gardens are available for day use for about $4. The nice changing rooms and bathrooms are included. Staying at Papillote is perhaps the most romantic place we have ever stayed. Excellent meals in the rainforest restaurant. No mosquitoes while we were there, and perfect temperatures that are not hot-humid, but rather *always* warm and pleasant). In short, Papillote is a bit of Eden.

  • Lourdes Valentin

    Lourdes Valentin



  • Jernelle Jno Baptiste

    Jernelle Jno Baptiste


    My personal fountain of youth! I am blessed to live in Dominica and I take advantage of Papillote very often! You feel 10 years younger after relaxing in the hot pools and then taking a quick dip under the on site waterfall! Tell Cuthbert and Anne that I sent you! Also try their rum punch while there it is devine!

  • sharkaila Bellot Scotland

    sharkaila Bellot Scotland


    One of my favorites. You're in the center of nature and they got the best rum punch, service and its the best get away.

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